Alianzas de Phoenixville
Alianzas strives for equity and the dignity of diverse communities regardless of heir country of origin by providing services to the under resourced and by promoting intercultural exchanges to connect all individuals in the broader community
Project Libertad
PASD partners with
Project Libertad to provide trainings for staff on Immigration Rights and other issues for immigrant families. Project Libertad also offers immigrant rights presentations and mental health screenings for families and students.
Immigration resources can be found on their website blog.
Drop-in Afterschool Tutoring
Phoenixville Area School District will provide extra support to English Learners with certified teachers who will help your child with Canvas work and other class assignments after school via Zoom.
Free ESL Classes
Learn English through a partnership with the Phoenixville Area School District, Norristown Area School District and Project Libertad.
Translate Any Website
Follow the instructional video and directions on how to install Google translate which will provide translation in any language.