Special Education

This website is intended to assist parents and members of the community to obtain information in addressing the needs of their child/children. The Pupil Services Office provides a variety of services to students. Services such as Psychological Testing; Guidance; School Health Services; Alternative Education; Gifted Education; Homebound Instruction; and Special Education Services including Speech, Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy are all monitored and supervised by the Department of Pupil Services. If you still have questions about the services and supports the department provides to our children, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Students with Disabilities

School-aged children within the jurisdiction of the district who have been evaluated and found to have one or more disabilities as defined by law, and who require, because of such disabilities, special education and related services. School-aged children who have identified disabilities but do not require special education may be entitled to accommodations or services or to enroll in courses of study in the district which serve students with disabilities pursuant to other law or Board policy.

Individualized Education Program (IEP)

The written educational statement for each student with a disability that is developed, reviewed and revised in accordance with federal and state laws and regulations.

Evaluation and IEP Process


Special Education Plan

The special education plan is an action plan that describes the Board of School Director's commitment to ensure that a quality education will be provided to each of its students with a disability eligible for special education. The District reviews this plan every three years to ensure compliance. The content of the special education plan describes the special education program and services that are provided within a school district and those special education programs and services which are accessed by the school district from outside the school district's geographical boundaries.

• 2024-2027 Special Education Plan Report



Dr. Kate Pacitto
Executive Director of Curriculum and Pupil Services

David Ramsey
Director of Specialized Programs and Services

Danielle Colley
K-4 Supervisor of Special Education and Early Intervention

Marty Walls
5-8 Supervisor of Special Education

Holly Pettine
9-12+ Supervisor of Special Education

Dr. Christine Skonieczny
Supervisor of Specialized Programs and Services and Gifted Education

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Office of Dispute Resolution (ODR)

The Office for Dispute Resolution (ODR) administers the special education dispute resolution system for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for parents of children with disabilities and/or giftedness, and the educational agencies who provide services to them. ODR is committed to the development and provision of services supporting proactive and local resolution of disputes, in addition to its role in the oversight of the mandated dispute resolution system.

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