January 15, 2025
Dear PASD Families,
As we enter marking period 3, PASD has important dates to note related to report cards and Parent-Teacher Conferences.
Friday, January 10: Marking Period 2 ended
Friday, January 24: Parent-Teacher Conference scheduling opens in Skyward for families at 6 pm.
• Note the default scheduling option is for an in-person conference.
• If you have a child in elementary school, and you want a virtual or phone conference, please email your child’s teacher.
• If you have a child in Middle or High School, you can schedule an in-person, virtual, or phone conference in Skyward. Please follow the steps below, including number 7, if applicable.
Directions for scheduling:
Log in to Skyward.
2) Click on the “Conferences” button on the left side of your screen.
3) Click the “All Conferences” tab towards the center of the page.
4) Click the “Select a Time” tab.
Note: If your child is in a departmentalized grade at the elementary level, your conference
will be with the homeroom teacher, who will bring feedback from all teachers on your
child’s team. If you’d like a conference with any other teacher, contact him/her directly.
Note: If your Middle School child was enrolled in a mixed media class for the 2nd marking
period or 1st semester (marking periods 1 and 2), we recommend scheduling conferences
with that teacher. Their current mixed media teacher will be just getting to know them.
5) Click on “Select” for the timeslot you wish to reserve. Then click “Save.”
6) A confirmation email will be sent to you.
Directions for HS and MS parents to switch to virtual or phone conference
Friday, January 24: Report Cards available in Skyward
Friday, February 7: Parent-Teacher Conference scheduling
closes in Skyward at 9 am. By this date, teachers will send a Zoom or Teams link to families who requested a virtual meeting, or they will call families at the scheduled time. Teachers will use the email or phone number listed in Skyward.
Thursday, February 13: Parent-Teacher Conferences 8:00 am-7:15 pm (no conferences are scheduled from 12:00-12:45 pm and 4:30 pm-5:40 pm). No school for students.
Friday, February 14: Parent-Teacher Conferences 8:00 am-10:45 am. No school for students.
Monday, February 17: Schools closed
If you do not have access to Skyward or if you have any questions, please contact your child’s school. We look forward to seeing you in-person or virtually very soon!
Jessica Kilmetz Ed.D., Assistant Superintendent