Canvas is PASD's Learning Management System or LMS. It’s an organizational framework for students to interact with teachers and courses, all in one place. Students can login to Canvas and see all their course content. The Canvas Student app is also available for iOS and Android.
NOTE: Grades are still posted in Skyward.
Parents may sign up for a Canvas "Observer" account. Parents (Observers) can link their Canvas account to their student's account so they can see assignment dues dates, announcements, and other course content. Observers can view the course content but cannot participate in the course.
To sign up for a Parent Account from the website it is advised to have your child with you so you can create the pairing code together. It is also advised to have two browser tabs open at the same time so you can easily switch between the two.
1. Have your child log into
Office 365. Once logged into Office 365, look for the Canvas tile listed in Apps. (Depending on your device, you may have to scroll to the bottom to find it.)
2. Then have your child follow the directions on this link How do I generate a pairing code for an observer as a student
3. Parents, visit the PASD Canvas log in page (DO NOT LOG IN YET) locate and click "Click Parent of a Canvas User? Click Here For an Account"
4. You will need to provide your name, an email address as well as the "pairing code" your child provided you from their account in step 2.
Once you have established your account, parents can log directly into canvas using the button below. This log in is for parents only. Students log in through Office 365.
Parent Canvas Log in

For Canvas Parent log-in issues, please contact Canvas Support by clicking the “Help” link on the
parent sign-in page. For all other issues, please send an email to
[email protected].
Elementary Students can Access Canvas through Clever. Instructions below: